20 sept 2010

Positioning of the company

Our goal as a company is creating games we like, publish them, and have fun. We are not looking to get money out of it, but it would be good to get it!

We have chosen the theme "Smart, weird games." We like it. And we have opted for a three-pronged strategy that responds to this theme:
  • Games free-to-play
  • Android Platform
  • Creation of new genera
We explain these three points below.


It is a strategy increasingly and widely used in the world of videogames at all levels, especially in the online world. It has multiple advantages:
  • No piracy
  • Model tested despite its novelty
  • Growths greater in scope
  • Higher growths in revenue
  • Access to more public share in mature markets
  • Access to more emerging markets (players are not only in the first world).
  • Android has the largest share of free applications of all mobile application stores (57% USA May 2010). This is a natural model in this area.
The revenue model is at least threefold: advertising, selling premium versions and "in-app Purchases" or purchases within the application, when available in Android (hopefully soon).

Android Platform

At first, we chose it internally by its greater ease of development for us, but this decision also becomes a strategic advantage because:
  • Although Google market is much less developed, there are already good turnovers.
  • The growth is still extremely fast. 200 000 new units every day (as of August 2010).
  • All information suggests that this platform will lead the field of mobile operating systems soon, surpassing those of Nokia, RIM, Apple, Palm, Windows, etc.
  • It will soon apply to other devices: tablets, but also TV.
  • In this market there are fewer major developments. Big gaming companies are not yet in. It is easier to bright.
  • Less competition.
  • It is easier to be highlighted on a "minority" platform and then making ports to other platforms more massive than the reverse.
Creation of new genera
  • Do not imitate: Innovate.
  • Generating new niche.
  • Greater chance of success.
  • Leadership.
  • Communication effect.
  • Responds to the reality of the games that we are already developing :-D
We will tell you more.

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